
Friday, July 9, 2010

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

But not always. Sometimes even I don't feel like having fun. I'm just not in the mood. I have a headache. I'm bloated. I sound like I'm talking about sex here, which technically is a fun activity for a lot of people so I could be. While I'm adament that we should stockpile as much fun as we can into our lives so we can die with smiles on our faces (I'm going to blame the morbidity on June gloom trying to move in on July too) I also know that there are times and places where fun is not always the best option. Funerals is one that readily comes to mind. Although I would like a fun funeral... mixed in with some tears just so I know I'm missed... but mostly fun, bright colors, a keg, dancing, some Twister... okay, again the morbidity. Don't worry, I don't plan on dying anytime in the near future (AKA next 80 or so years) so you have plenty more of this blog to read! The point is that at those times and/or in those places where fun feels out of place don't have it. In most spirituality practices there's emphasis on strife contributing to spiritual growth and while I believe that the right path leading to that should mostly be followed with ease and joy and love (and of course, fun) we often need the contrast of the bumps and roadblocks to appreciate our course or lead us down a different path. And it's only when we stop to contemplate those bumps and roadblocks (which is not often the most fun process) that we feel more fulfilled and confident about our path. Okay, I wasn't intending to give a sermon. It's just one of those days of bumps and roadblocks and the need for a little more warmth and sunshine. So I encourage you all to embrace all life has to offer, the fun and the not so fun and you'll quickly find yourself leading a much more fulfilling life. Happy Friday!

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