
Thursday, July 29, 2010

The End

Tomorrow's my last day of work at a job I was at for two and a half years, which in Amanda time is 500 years. I'm also moving this weekend. That's a lot of change in a two day span. A lot of people get sad over endings and I'm no different. But I'm also really excited about all of the fun prospects that come along with this change. My job has been a deadend gig from pretty much the day I started. Overly qualified from the beginning it didn't offer much in terms of opportunities, growth or pay. It did offer a lot of drama and insight into the craziness of the non-profit world which I know will benefit my future career and has provided the contrast for me to know what that is. But I also know that once I say peace out it will open up so many doors toward the positive change I know I need right now. And the same can be said with my living situation. I've been at the EVB for five years now and a lot has happened there. Most of which I can't discuss in a public blog. But it's suffice to say that it's definitely time for me to move on and the move will also open the doors to the fun stuff. And so I'm really excited about my future and the opportunities it holds for me. And that is the epitome of fun in my book.

Are any of you dealing with any major life changes? How do you feel about them? Do you grab the bull by the horns or cower in the corner hoping they'll go away?

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