
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My Bucket List

I haven't yet seen this movie (should probably add it to my bucket list) but have heard good things and even if the movie sucks the concept behind it is brilliant. No one wants to lie on their death bed wishing they'd done things differently. A bucket list gives you a blueprint of how you want to live your life and what you want to experience in it. I've made several throughout my life and can't find them so here's the start of a new one, which I'm filling with all kinds of fun!

1. Travel all over the world (I couldn't pick individual countries; I want to experience the whole shabang.).
2. Learn to play the drums.
3. Learn to play the guitar.
4. Run the Boston Marathon.
5. Enter a surfing contest.
6. Take dance lessons.
7. Take more photographs.
8. Publish a best selling book.
9. Start my own leisure counseling practice.
10. Get my PhD and become a professor.
11. Own my own beautiful home.
12. Own vacation homes/cabins.
13. Work for myself.
14. Touch dolphins.
15. Have my own dog.
16. Find true love.
17. Be happy in each moment.
18. Find the good in everyone and everything.
19. Climb Everest.
20. Learn to sail.
21. Be a stunt double.
22. Write for magazines.
23. Sell paintings.
24. See the 7 Wonders of the World.
25. Spend an entire summer watching a MLB game in every stadium.

When I first made this list (not realizing it was a bucket list) in high school I had 200 items on there and when I randomly found it 7 years later I had so much fun crossing things off. Then, I misplaced it again. But I look forward to crossing the things off that one and the continuation that is here.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like being a stunt double might hurt, but be totally worth it, I'm with you!!!!
