
Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I used to move quite a bit. But since I've lived in the LA area I've only moved once. Next door. And I have many happy memories here at the EVB (East Village Bungalows). But I am ready to move forward although finding the fun in the actual act of moving items is challenging. So here are a few ways I've come up with to make it more fun:

- Get rid of stuff. It always feels good to get rid of anything weighing you down. And also by getting rid of the old you make room for the new, which I'm excited about. Plus I don't want to move anything more than I have to.

- Reminisce. I'm sure as I sort through the mess I'll come across things I haven't seen since I first moved here five years which will bring back the good and fun memories.

- Dance party. I like to turn any mundane activity into a dance party so it might a good time to go through old CDs and dance party it up one last time in the EVB.

- All else fails have a glass of wine. Every mundane activity picks up the pace with a glass of wine. Or beer. Or shot of tequila!


Do you hate or like to move? How do you make the actual moving part more entertaining?

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