
Monday, May 24, 2010

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Baseball's by no means my fav sport but it ranks pretty high as one of my fav sporting events to go to. Whether it's the majors, minors, or little league. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the sport as was pointed out to me at a baseball game this weekend. What's so magical about going to a baseball game is that it screams summer. That's pretty much the main season of the sport so almost every game you go to is accompanied by warm weather, maybe a light breeze, sunshine or the cooler summer night air, beer and tremendous amounts of happiness. Everyone who goes there is having a good time no matter your reasons for attending. And so in honor of the start of the summer (even though technically it's still spring and it hasn't even gotten all that warm here) here's my top ten list of how to have fun at a baseball game:

10. Chat with your neighbor. It's a great way to casually catch up with family and friends.
9. Admire the aesthetics of the stadium. More and more of the new stadiums are incorporating amazing amenities into their stadium and many of the old ones hold a historical appeal as well.

Not my fav team but definitely my fav stadium

8. Check out the players' butts. This probably appeals more to the women (and gay men). I'd also advocate keeping it geared toward the adult baseball players but there is much to appreciate if you can do this.
7. Sing loudly to Take Me Out to the Ball Game
6. Drink beer. This may only be allowed at major and minor league games, check with your local little league prior to intoxicating yourself.
5. Eat the delicious baseball snacks, which reminds me that I've never actually had Crackerjacks at a baseball game.
4. Bring your kids. They may pass out cold before the 5th inning like a little dude I saw on Saturday but they'll never forget going to a game with the 'rents.
3. Take a date. It isn't usually too loud to get in a good conversation, less pressure because you can always talk about the game, and if he/she really sucks you have a game to watch.
2. Keep score yourself. This isn't my cup of tea but it is others'.
1. Watch the game! Duh!

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