
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Best. Game. Ever!

It's called the Question Game. And pretty much if you don't like it you suck at life. It's difficult to describe so I'll make the attempt but if you don't get it you might just wanna ask me to come over and play with you.

Here are the steps:

1. Pass out sheets or scraps of paper and writing utensils to all playas. If you use whole sheets of paper you can simply keep reusing the paper until you run out. If you use scraps you'll probably need one each round. Either way is just as good as the other as long as we're being green about things and not wasting any trees.

2. The first person to start the game chooses someone else in the group and makes up the first half of a question using that person's name. For example, "Why does Bob...?"

3. All players write that on their sheets/scraps of paper and then finish the question so one person might write, "Why does Bob wear his sneakers to bed?" or "Why does Bob have a name with only two letters in it?" The idea is that everyone finishes the question in a different way and the more creative the better.

4. All player then fold their paper up and throw it into a pile in the middle of the table (or floor or grass or whatever surface you're gathered around).

5. When everyone's paper is in the middle everyone then grabs a different one and answers the question as creatively as possible. So for example if you got "Why does Bob have a name with only two letters in it?" you might write, "Because those are the only letters of the alphabet he ever learned." Again, be as creative as possible.

6. All players then once again fold their paper up and throw it into a pile in the middle of the gathering space and when everyone's paper is in the middle everyone then grabs a different one (sometimes you might get one that you've written either the question or answer on but it's okay).

7. At this point everyone reads their questions and answers but there's a technique to this. The person who originally picked the person whose name was used reads his/her question and then the person to the left (or right, it doesn't really matter) of him/her reads his/her answer and this continues on until it comes back around with the original person reading his/her answer.

8. The game continues with the person whose name was used choosing a different person to write about and this goes on until everyone's name has been used.

This game is a guaranteed massive hit! Seriously everyone I've ever played this with has absolutely loved it. It often turns dirty and picks on one another but it's all in good fun. And it's a great way to break the ice and get to know new people. Big shout out to Stephanie who taught me this game and thus, has turned me into the life of the party!

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