
Friday, May 21, 2010

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Sometimes I think I worry too much. But I'm starting to learn that the amount of time I spend worrying is insignificant compared to most. I also have to pat myself on the back because when I do worry it's very rarely over the small stuff. I started thinking about this today at work when some co-workers were freaking out about a detail concerning a special event fundraiser we're putting on. This happens every single time we have a special event. Certain people have mini panic attacks about minute details that in the past have always worked themselves out easily and for the better. Meanwhile I kick back and have a lemonade (occaisionally spiked). This might be due to the fact that I'm not a detail oriented person (Give me at least a week to notice a new haircut or even the shaving of an entire beard.). While in some instances this might be seen as a negative, in this case it works to my advantage since I spend much less time worrying about nothing (And leaving me free to worry more about the big stuff. Not!). As a sidenote, I also think it's wrong for people to try to push their stress onto others. But in honor of it being TGIF and not sweating the small stuff cuz hey, it's the weekend here's all the fun I'll be having this weekend instead of sweating any stuff:

- Celebrating a friend's graduation!
- Going to Dodgers Stadium (one of my fav LA locales) to watch my Tigers whoop on the home team!
- Going to a birthday party!
- Running 10 miles!
- Surfing!

I hope you all have a great weekend and please share what you do to keep from sweating any stuff.

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