
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Combatting Sadness

It's challenging to have fun when you're sad. I know this because I get sad. We all have our moments. Luckily I don't get sad very often and when I do I have a pretty easy time getting myself out of the funk. Some things I do:

Sing and dance loudly and wildly: There's just something about acting goofy and movement that gets the blood flowing and puts smiles on faces (including others if you don't do this in private).

Me having a dance party with a million other peeps

Exercise: Again, the blood flowing thing. Surfing does it best for me but soccer, running, and yoga are also big winners.

Sometimes ice skating does the trick

Watch TV or a movie: Living vicariously through others can do wonders. Especially if they're funny others.

I've seen this movie more times than I should admit.

Play with animals or babies: Kids can work too if they aren't acting crabby as well. The total joy they express when being with you should even rescue the biggest Scrooge in us all.

Talk to a trusted friend: Luckily I have many of these so I can split up the problems amongst them so no one gets sick of me.

Some of my very bestest friends from back in the MI and their babies that cheer me up!

What do you do to pick yourself up when you're down?

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