
Friday, May 14, 2010


I currently have one working hand. My left one. Which is a bit unfortunate being that I've spent the majority of my life (up until Wednesday) right handed. The fortunate part is that I've been asking the powers that be to allow me some more creativity in my life and word on the street is that using your non-dominant hand more stimulates the cross firing of neurons in the brain, thus expanding one's creativity (that was my attempt to sound like a physical scientist rather than the social scientist that I am). So yea to more creativity, which is super FUN! Once you get over the frustrating part that is. Only having the use of your non-dominant hand requires those cross firing neurons to provide immediate creativity. Amongst the highlights: Had to figure out a way to fasten my bra (roommate to the rescue), open a passenger side car door from the backseat and get out while my friends waited in oblivion on the sidewalk (combo of the left hand and head) and put my hair in a ponytail (had to use the right hand as a support mechanism and it still looked like I had a 3 year old do it). I'm highly entertaining myself but it's also exhausting because it takes double time to do everything, not to mention the extra brain power exuded from the cross firing neurons. It's also made me quite thankful that my injury is probably just a bad sprain and should be mostly back to normal within a week to ten days. I'd probably go postal if it were broken or worse had to be amputated (Which was the suggestion by the guys on my soccer team who were around when I did it... and the boyfriend. Not sure what it is about men wanting to cut things up all the time.). It's also led to a lot of admiration for those who don't have the use of all their limbs, particularly Bethany Hamilton, who's a professional surfer after losing an entire arm to Jaws. As a surfer I actually spent a paddle out attempting to do it with one arm and it's doable, although exhausting. And I can't even imagine the pop up, particularly on the size of waves she rides. A-MA-ZING! So in honor of my injured right wrist/hand here are my top five favorite fun things I enjoy doing with when it's fully functional:
1. Surfing (and it's supposed to be such a beautiful weekend)
2. Soccer (dang doctor said no sports where I could further injure it until it's
3. Yoga (well, I guess I can do the hands free poses but I really love downward dog)
4. Cooking (it's possible but only if you want to starve to death)
5. Writing (I s'pose I could use this time to learn how to better write with my
left hand but it takes way too much time and it hurts after 15 minutes)

My new hero!

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