
Monday, March 28, 2011


As we become grownups (Oh no! Did I really just type that outloud?) sometimes spontaneity goes by the wayside. "I can't, I have to work," "I can't, I have the kids," "I can't, I have a mortgage," etc., etc., etc. Responsibility can be important. Certainly I'm not advocating running amok until you've lost your house, job, kids, cat, whatever's important to you. But it's also important that you aren't so responsible you can't remember the last time you truly enjoyed that cat. That's where spontaneity comes into play. That's where not washing your dishes until the next morning so you can play a game of Twister (with your cat) comes into play. Or taking off on an impromptu road trip without telling anyone where you're going and turning off all modes of communication comes into play. That's exactly what the bf and I did for a dayish this past weekend. While the level of responsibility the bf and I take could be debated, we are without a doubt dependable. If anyone needs anything or has any kind of celebration we're there. And while the celebration part is usually a great deal of fun it doesn't always promote proper spontaneity. It was so freeing to do something we wanted to do simply because we wanted to do it. Without any sense of obligation. And that my friends is what spontaneity can do for you. And what I will be incorporating much more into my life.

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