
Monday, January 10, 2011


Mindfulness is something I mentioned in my last post of New Year's resolutions and even in writing this I'm challenged in being mindful. Put quite simply (because it could be put quite complicated) being mindful is observing that which is without judgement (ironic as I sit here judging my writing). There are many corresponding terms, acceptance, meditation, being present, awareness, that go along with this and really we could go on and on. It's one of the most difficult simplicities to explain and understand (along with love). Yet that's all it is.

Mindfulness might sound like too spiritual of a practice to include in a blog about fun. But it's impossible to get the most out of your fun without it. Think back to the last super fun time you had. Maybe you were playing a sport? Perhaps you were adventuring with your significant other? Having a dance party with friends? Eating your fav meal? Climbing on the jungle gym. Can you remember anything else that was going on in that moment? The answer is probably not because you were so absorbed in the fun of that moment.

The key to really experiencing life and all of its fun to its fullest is being mindful in every moment. Eckert Tolle calls it The Power of Now and made a fortune off of writing a book that my one statement encompasses. It's that simple and that complicated. Remember a time when you were driving and the next thing you knew you were at your destination but couldn't recall the trip there at all. Now metaphoricalize (I can make up words; it's okay) that driving trip into your life. Do you really want to be on your death bed (aka end of your trip if you have difficulties with metaphors) and barely remember the journey?