
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oh the People You'll Meet: Potentially Former UCLA Prof

When I first started blogging that was the title of my blog. It was meant to capture all of the colorful characters I encounter along my journey. But I bored of that a bit. Then, I was relaying a story to a friend of mine the other night of a fella I met on the bus the other day and she said, "You meet the most interesting people." So I thought a part time revival of the old blog was needed.

I met Potentially Former UCLA Prof unwillingly. It was one of those days where fun to me was sitting quietly reading my book on the Number 12 from UCLA to my home. I made the fortunate mistake of sitting in the seat for those with disabilities but was totally unaware that I needed to make room for one of those people until a man following a walker gruffly told me, "Young lady, you need to move." Since I recently turned thirty and he called me "young lady" I was happy to do so. I moved not too far from him and slightly dreading it, knew some strangeness was about to ensue. First thing he did was begin mocking a woman speaking what I assume was Chinese since that's what he said he knew how to speak. Something didn't sound right, though, and she ignored him. After talking to himself for a bit he turned his attention to me. "What are you reading?" I paused because I was reading a book I assumed some people may have strong reactions to and didn't feel like getting into any type of metaphysical debate. Finally I said, "A book I got from my mom for Christmas," and showed him the cover. Sidenote, the book is called "The Power" written by the author of "The Secret" and is about the power of love and what it can accomplish. I had literally just read a page all about paying attention to everything that happens to us because our experiences are providing us with guidance and also that many people believe that we are near the tipping point of expanding consciousness. Literally as soon as I read that some believe that this tipping point is happening now Potentially Former UCLA Prof informs me that the world is ending and we're all going to die. He repeated several times that specifically I would die and I'd die soon. Now most people might get a little upset at hearing this information or at least annoyed. Bemused was probably a more accurate description for me but I still didn't quite want to talk to him. But curiosity got the best of me so the words "Oh yeah?" slipped out of my mouth. He continued out mostly spouting things I couldn't follow. But along the way I was informed that he had been a UCLA physics professor and had gotten more into quantum physics. He was fired because he couldn't keep his mouth shut and was now homeless. "Did I have any money?" I seriously didn't even have a single penny and told him so. To which he replied, "Well, you can help someone out in another way." I thought for a second because I did have half a grapefruit in my bag but have had bad experiences offering people who are homeless my food. But alas I offered it to him and alas he yelled at me for the offer. Throughout this exchange he kept getting up and down and walking to the front of the bus and back without any difficulty causing me to question the need for his walker. It was at that point I decided to turn my attention back to my book. But he kept talking, telling me that he was friends with the "gray people" and they're all over. By his description of the gray people I figured out Potentially Former UCLA Prof is friends with aliens. I was quite thankful at that moment when some other dude got on and Potentially Former UCLA Prof turned his attention to him until he exited the bus.

And so that is the story of Potentially Former UCLA Prof that I'm not quite convinced was actually ever a prof there nor is friends with the gray people nor has any inside information as to the end of the world... just in case anyone was scared.

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