
Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Ghosts of Christmas Past

Okay, there aren't really any ghosts; I just needed a creative title. Although since it is December 27th and I'm about to write about Christmas one could argue that it's an appropriate title. This was the first Christmas I didn't go home, which led me to reflect on Christmases past, as well as the one two days ago. I grew up having Christmas with a large boisterous family filled with presents, food, cookies, games, noise, and lots of good times. Christmas 2009 was a little different since my grandmother had passed away and the family couldn't manage to come together without her. So there were just six of us, which was weird, although still nice. And this year was also small spending time with one side of the bf's family and later in the day friends but again nice. It was peaceful and well, weird. In a good way. I'm having to come to terms with the fact that Christmas may never again be like it was for me as a child. That may take a few years and the creation of new rituals but I think it can be done.

That being said here are the fun things I love about Christmas regardless of who I spend it with, where I spend it, and how I spend it:
- Cookies: Rice Krispie-like cornflake wreaths are my fav. But Buckeyes (chocolate covered peanut butter balls that actually look like buckeyes) are my fav memory cookies. And the amazing cutouts my dad's side of the family made/makes.
- Christmas lights: They appear to be on the downslide lately, probably because of the economy but the ones I've seen are still worthwhile.
- Family and friends: This probably should have been listed numero uno because it truly is my favorite part but somehow cookies and lights popped into my head first.
- Surprises: I almost wrote presents but it really isn't the presents I care all that much about. I love the surprises that surround Christmas. I could care less what was actually in the wrapping paper.
- Snow: Alas, there was no white Christmas this year so that may have strongly contributed to the weirdness.

What's your favorite part of Christmas? Or the winter holiday season if you don't celebrate Christmas?

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