
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Back at it... Again

Tried to revive this back in September but failed. 'Course failure can (and should) be looked at as a learning opportunity and I've certainly learned from it. That and many other experiences have shown me how much fear is getting in my way. Fear of what exactly I don't feel the need to address in here. Particularly because a lengthy diatribe may ensue (That sentence was included mostly because I wanted to use the phrase "lengthy diatribe may ensue."). Roseanne Cash (whomever that is) said, "The key to change... is to let go of fear." (Oh, just looked up Roseanne Cash and found out she's Johnny Cash's oldest daughter. Good to know.) As I've just hit the dirty thirty and am also about to embark on a new year I've been doing a lot of thinking. Damn juxtaposition of birthday and a new year leads to this occurrence nearly every December. This year's focus has been fear and how it's frozen me in many ways. I'm not big on setting New Year's resolutions cuz goal setting is something I do on a regular basis but this year I thought I'd make a change and fear is what I'd like to let go of. And to change that into a more positive goal I read somewhere once that there are really only two primary emotions, fear and love. All the other emotions are secondary to the two of those. So I suppose my true goal is to be more loving.

Either way when I typed "letting go of fear" into google to see if it had any better ideas than I did (they didn't) this is what I found: Sit with your fear and fully embrace it. Be mindful of it. Then act upon it. Ralph Waldo Emerson (who I do know without googling) said, "Do the thing you fear; and the death of fear is certain." And that is it. So simple. So difficult for many of us to do. But I challenge you in joining me facing your fears, increasing love, and making way for grand fun in this new year!


  1. Hey Manda,

    As I viewed your annotations I realized that I too am suffering from the same illness, "fear." Roseanne Cash is right in her quote "The key to change, is to let go of fear." This is such a powerful passage, but how do we learn to live by it? Fear is what keeps us enchained, I know it has held me captive. But I am willing to do whatever it takes to break the bond.
    We are programed to fear, as young children when we do something wrong we are met with physical,verbal, mental or even emotional punishment which turns into fear and these fears follow through adulthood.
    As you have stated facing my fears will be difficult but I know that the end result is freedom. So, I am joining you in the challenge to conquer my fears and increase the love.

    FYI: You are a gifted writer and I am looking forward to reading more from you.

    Many Blessings to you Manda!

    -Hope Buhl

  2. Aw thanks Hope! Maybe we can start a club? :p
