
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 Countdown: Appreciation

In honor of yet another year's end I have a lot to appreciate. I'm often challenged by getting lost in thinking about the things I wish I had and sometimes getting down about not having those things. Despite an amazing life full of amazing people, experiences, and simple joys. Yet there are moments where I'm more focused on my lack than the abundance that's right in front of me. I do this even with the realization that no matter how much I have in my life there will always be more to have and the only way to truly be happy and enjoy life is to appreciate every moment, person, and experience you do have. So in honor of the upcoming new year I'd like to list the ten things I'm most appreciative of in the year 2010:

1. My boyfriend who is truly the most amazing man I've ever known. And the most fun!
2. My friends who are also some of the most amazing people I've ever known. And the most fun! :p They certainly meet my prerequisite of not being boring.
3. My family who's been through some challenges in this past year and who've really forced me to reflect on who I am, what's important to me, and what I want out of life. I haven't appreciated them as much as I should have this year but am doing it now and making it a goal to do more so in 2011.
4. Sunshine. Southern California didn't have as much to appreciate this year but that only made me appreciate it even more.
5. Surfing. It feeds my soul.
6. Getting into grad school at UCLA and doing really well my first quarter.
7. Leaving a highly toxic work environment.
8. Road trips. I went on a couple really cool ones this year full of neat experiences and fun company.
9. Weddings. I went to a lot this year and while there were moment where it dominated my social life I never tired of seeing all the happy couples express their love for one another in fun ways.
10. And the bf again because he is the best part of my 2010!

Do you take the time to appreciate your life? Maybe you keep an appreciation journal? What are the things you appreciate most about 2010?

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