
Friday, June 11, 2010

Balls in Yo Face

In honor of the start of the World Cup, which is my fav sporting event ever (Well, maybe tied with the Olympics), I wanted to include some kind of photographs that most people would find fun to look at. I considered the usual hot players with their shirts off but that would only satisfy those who find that hot. And it's a little overdone. I thought maybe some team pics but that's kinda boring. Then, I came across this: Balls in their Face. It's not as funny as I'd imagined in my head. Since I'm a soccer player I'm well aware of the number of times we get hit in the face with a ball accidentally, which is what I thought this would be. Something like World Cup meets America's Funniest Home Videos. However, it's simply a montage of headers but now we've satisfied the hot soccer dude requirement and action shots for the rest of ya'll.

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