
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sidewalk Chalk

This is an art material I've been having fun with since my childhood days. I know I have some pictures somewhere of me in my elementary years all dressed in my red, white and blue on the 4th of July participating in a neighboring small town's sidewalk art contest. I have no recollection if I ever won it but I know I had a grand time. My enjoyment of sidewalk chalk continued on into the infamous undergrad years and infiltrated its way into the random entertainment we created for ourselves on those nights we didn't feel like studying, working out, going out or anything else. That's when "chalking" was born and we chose friends' sidewalks/front porches to randomly "decorate". Many of these "decorations" were not entirely PG but we thought they were hilarious and so did all of our friends. The only person who did not find them even remotely amusing was one of our friend's jerk face roommate. 'Course his grandparents came to visit the next morning so that might have played a role, although he was a major jerk face even before that. There's always the option of keeping the drawings PG, though and it'd be just as fun of a surprise.

Have any of you ever "decorated" friends' sidewalks, homes or cars in any fashion?

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