
Monday, July 25, 2011

Fun Food: Lasagna

The bf and I love to cook. Him more so than I but I love eating freshly made food so I'm getting in on the fun more too. I've recently realized that my fav thing to cook is lasagna. One of the reasons being it's absolutely delicious. But the other being that it solves one my biggest cooking conundrums of getting everything done at the same time so it's all still warm and not overcooked. You simply layer all the ingredients any which way you want, stick it in the oven for an hour or so, and then all you have to do is prepare the side dishes, which are usually a salad (no worries about keeping it warm there) and garlic bread (pop it in the oven with 10, 15 minutes to go). So easy!!! So in honor of my fav dish to make here's my most recent lasagna recipe that was given rav reviews by the taste testers (no matter that the taste testers are friends):

- Lasagna noodles
- 3 c. Sun dried tomatos
- 4 c. Marinated artichoke
- 1/2 c. Pesto
- 16 oz. Ricotta cheese
- 16 oz. Mozzarella
- 8 oz. Parmesan

- Boil the lasagna noodles first until they're almost done.
- Once the noodles have boiled pre-heat the oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
- Spread a small amount of pesto on the bottom of the pan so it's just barely covered.
- Add a layer of the cooked lasagna noodles.
- Add a layer of the marinated artichokes.
- Add a layer of the sun dried tomatoes.
- Add a layer of ricotta and mozzarella.
- Add another layer of the cooked lasagna noodles.
- Add another thin layer of pesto.
- Add another layer of the marinated artichokes.
- Add another layer of the sun dried tomatoes.
- Add another layer of ricotta and mozzarella.
- Sprinkle the parmesan on top.
- Place the dish in the oven for approximately 45 minutes.

Notes to Self:
The amounts of ingredients are estimated as I made this recipe up and can't actually remember how much I used but you'll know how much is enough for you (That's more of the fun part of making lasagna!).

It's so delicious! Enjoy!

Do you enjoy cooking? And if so what do you love to cook?

This isn't quite the one from above but since I didn't take pic but this one looks pretty similar.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


This is a little late and people are probably sick of hearing about it but a little reflection on this event feels needed because after all the fuss and fear that it would destroy Los Angeles, it ended up being an amazingly good time. The streets were empty! Millions of LAiens left town, took public transportation, or simply stayed home. Since the bf's place was at one end of the 405 closure and mine was at the other end, we had decided to hole up at his place for the weekend (mostly because of the pool) and do nada. Then, when we realized that there was no one out alternative plans to attend festivals and parties started to churn but then we decided to stick with the original idea of doing nada. Therefore, our weekend consisted of a lot of naps, delicious home cooked and local restaurant food, walks in the 'hood, movies, the women's World Cup, and some pool time complete with leisurely reading. Both of us are usually pretty high energy with a lot going on so this is rare for us but much needed. And that seemed to be the case for many of our fellow LAiens as it was extremely quiet even with a lot of people out and about walking around enjoying their local community with happy, peaceful smiles on their faces. Not a single horn was heard the entire weekend, which may be unheard of. All in all our vote is for a monthly shutdown of some major LA freeway! Or maybe we'll just impose our own Carmageddon on ourselves every so often.

How did you spend Carmageddon if you live in the LA area? Or if you had the opportunity to not drive anywhere for an entire weekend what fun things would you do that you don't normally get to?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Resume Shirt

I stumbled upon this brilliant, fun website, Not sure yet if I'd do it but I'm glad they're having fun!