
Sunday, May 22, 2011

It's Not the End of the World...

as we know it. That song ran through my head much of yesterday as I prepared for the demise of our existence. And by prepared I did yoga, went for a run, and attended a couple of parties completely unrelated to doomsday. Needless to say doomsday didn't occur. Unless that is even fewer chosen ones exist than previously thought.

While I obviously didn't think the world would actually end nor do I think it's going to end in 2012 or any time during my lifetime, events like this get me contemplating. Our lives could end in any moment. I won't go into all the ways this could happen since that would be the antithesis of fun. And really we all know this. But how many of us actually live like we're dying (not to steal anything from the song with the same title)? I probably deliberate over this more than the average Joe but even I live a life more in fear than love, adventure, spontaneity, and fun. Or at least in more fear than I'd like to. And so in honor of the latest doomsday prediction to go wonderfully wrong I vow to spend more time enjoying all of the moments of my life.

Perhaps a little more time spent riding these

Friday, May 20, 2011

Finishing Things

Having fun doesn't mean always getting to do what you want when you want to do it. There are many times I think I'd love it if my life were like this but in actuality it'd probably have the reverse affect if it actually happened. Plus I don't think there exists a single person who has this kind of life. So we all have to do things we don't particularly want to. Knowing that they contribute to an ultimate goal or allow us to more quickly get back to doing what we want to do helps the situation. Also, if you can somehow turn it into something more fun in some way that also helps. Or knowing how accomplished you'll feel in the long run. But there are times when next to nothing helps in that moment. So the next moment when you're FINALLY done that's when the fun really begins.

Studying is rarely fun but it always feels so good to be done.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sunday, May 8, 2011


In honor of Mother's Day and my mother in particular all of the reasons my mom is fun:

- She sends me cute and silly things in the real life mail (like the kind you go to the post office to buy stamps for).

- She calls me just because she saw something little that reminded her of me.

- She turned my childhood into my own personal after school program.

- She still cheers me on just like she did during AYSO.

- She plays with all the toys that make noise in the toy store.

- She sings loudly with me on road trips.

- She teaches me about all kinds of good stuff in life.

- She buys me all kinds of little surfing memorabilia I didn't know existed in the midwest.

- She's always excited to hear from me.

- She's always down to play and have fun.

Happy Mother's Day Mom! I love you mucho!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fun Buster: Energy Suckers

Yesterday I finally realized my problem. Yep, I only have one and luckily it's because of other people (kidding for anyone who knows me... or doesn't know me). I am a sponge. That's what a newsletter I got from told me yesterday. I tend to absorb others' lower energy, take it upon myself, and then become unbearable to be around (okay maybe that isn't true but it's slightly unbearable to myself in my mind). I'd kind of realized this but it suddenly became clear just how much power I was giving these people and letting it affect my life (which is my problem).

We all know these Energy Suckers: The Debbie Downer, the Anger Management Candidate, the Ruminator, the Basket Case, the Worrywart, the Non-stop Talker, etc., etc., etc. I could probably think of at least a dozen more pseudonyms for my arch enemies. But that wouldn't be fun (actually I lied, that was pretty fun) and I've given away enough of my fun to these folks.

In recognizing this as MY problem I've realized I need to do something about this because this is something I'm letting interfere with my life and how much fun I'm having in it. Ideally I'd just not interact with Energy Suckers (Thich Nhat Hanh actually suggests this in his book Savor.). But since this isn't practical living where I live and doing what I do on a daily basis, I've come up with some fun alternatives to enhance my entertainment in dealing with them, which I'm going to list by my pseudonyms since I believe that each Energy Sucker must be dealt with in a different way.

Debbie Downer Strategy: When Debbie Downer gets going counter every complaint with a benefit of that complaint. For example if he/she says, "The weather's so awful today. I really hate rain," you could reply with, "Gosh, I sure do love rain. I don't have to wash my car then!" Do this often enough and Debbie Downer will probably disappear from your life forever on her own accord (or partner with you).

Anger Management Candidate Strategy: Stare lovingly, almost googly-eyed like at the Anger Management Candidate when he/she starts going off. That alone should be disruptive enough to at least cause an angry exit.

Ruminator Strategy: This person may not even have anything all that negative to say but the fact that they go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on is enough to drive anyone crazy no matter what they're saying. I suggest carrying a small tape recorder and when your Ruminator gets going hit record and then play it back to them. They'll either get the hint or want the tape recorder so they can listen to themselves in their free time.

Basket Case Strategy: Since this person is always in crisis mode play the one up game. If they think their significant other is about to can them bring up starving children. If they got a flat tire right after getting fired remind them that Mrs. Jenkins down the street got a fired, a flat tire, and lost her house all in the same day. Eventually they'll get tired of playing this game and you win!

Worrywort Strategy: Play the one up game here too. For every worry they have counter with an even bigger worry. What if I fail this test? Hmmm... well, what if you get kicked out of school? What if he never asks me to marry him? Hmmm... what if he leaves you and you're alone forever?

Non-Stop Talker Strategy: Start talking non-stop too. Either they'll stop and realize what they're doing. Or they won't and at least you can use that time to vocalize your true feelings (don't worry about doing this; they won't even notice), state your grocery list aloud, or practice for a presentation you have later on in the week.

A couple things to keep in mind:

- These strategies are only meant for chronic and persistent cases. It won't help anything if your usually cheery, half glass full best-friend is having a rough day. In this case be supportive and let them have their rough day.

- Many Energy Suckers will have multiple energy sucking techniques. In which case if you can remove yourself from the situation do so immediately. If not be prepared to employ multiple strategies and try to have as much fun as you can doing it.

Does anyone have difficulty with Energy Suckers? What are some techniques you've used that work?