
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Lack of Motivation

There isn't much fun about lack of motivation. Unless maybe you're curled up on the couch in a daze catching up on 8 million movies and TV shows. But that's different than true lack of motivation. At times we all need an escape from reality. My lack of motivation has obviously manifested itself in the lack of posts I've written lately. I could give a number of excuses. Starting classes for grad school round dos, an internship, writing a book, the bf, the never ending supply of social engagements, surfing, getting settled into a new apartment and exploration of the 'hood. Which in and of themselves are fun(ish) things for me. The actual truth is I'm not entirely inspired to carve out a chunk of time each day to write about fun. Perhaps because I'm too busy having it. Perhaps because no one aside from myself (maybe occasionally some really good friends) reads this. Perhaps I'm just not good at it. Who knows. But it has led to some good things such as the inspiration to write a book, something I've wanted to do since the second grade, so I believe it's something I should continue to do. As the fastest way to Carnegie Hall is through practice.

So in honor of the lack of motivation we all face at times here are some fun ways to get that motivation back:

1. Engage in a wholly different creative activity. This gets the spark going again even if it's completely unrelated to the source of your lack of motivation.
2. Get moving. Exercise is great to spearhead motivation.
3. Dance naked. Now it isn't the dancing naked that will up the motivation but the inspiration of doing something out of character and silly (if you already dance naked all the time try it with some clothes on).
4. Start a motivational group. Chances are you know enough people who are lacking motivation in something themselves and would love to have an accountability factor to get them back on track. You can all even dance naked if you want!
5. Read inspirational books. Oh the Places We'll Go by Dr. Suess would be a good starter.

What kinds of things do you do to get the motivation back? I'd appreciate any and all suggestions as I'll probably try them out myself.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Worst Case Scenario Handguide to Weddings

With the third leg of my US Tour de Weddings complete (and my excuse for my blogging absence) I thought it appropriate to discuss having fun at weddings. While I find it nearly impossible not to have fun at a wedding (They're parties folks!) I know not everyone feels the same way. So here's my Worst Case Scenario Handguide to Weddings.

For the Singles: It's easy to feel sorry for yourself. Especially if you're in your last twenties, have never been to a wedding with a man date, there aren't any other single peeps to share your woes with... oops, I regressed into the past. Fo real though chances are that you aren't the only single person there and likely they're feeling similar feelings and so at the very least you have others to commiserate (while also toasting the bride and groom's happily ever after of course), dance party and potentially make out with. All else fails couples also like to dance party! Plus it's a great excuse to wear a cute new outfit you'll never wear again (or if you're a dude that suit you paid way too much for). And most weddings are cut off at midnight so plenty of time to go out to a bar after looking extra hot with a good excuse for it.

For the Couples (Non-married): This year was the first time I ever fell into that category and I have to say I've had a damn good time being part of it. The only challenging part is fielding the "when are you getting married" questions. And while I enjoyed playing catcher in softball I'm not sure how much I enjoy it in this situation. I still haven't come up with any witty comebacks like I had during my single years... But that's because the bf and I have ONLY been together for 8ish months, which while monumental in my book based on the brevity of past relationships is nothing in the grand scheme of long term relationships. I'm still just super stoked to have a boyfriend (and a super great one at that... brownie points if he ever reads this)! So so far that's been my response to that question. But part of me is tempted to be a little more snarky about things and just tell the folks that we're atheist (even if it isn't true) and the devil would prefer that we live in sin.

For the Wedding Party: Most peeps are excited to be in a wedding because 99% of the time it's for a bestest friend or family member whom you're extremely happy for and wish to fully support in her/his commitments. Even better if you're close with both members of the couple. But... and if you've ever been in a wedding you can probably guess the buts.
- It can be expensive. Suck it up. Take out a loan. It'll all come back to you when it's your turn. Just kidding about the loan. But if it is a financial stretch be honest with the couple and see what can be worked out. No one wants their friends to declare bankruptcy just to be a part of their wedding. At least no one worth being friends with.
- Ugly Bridesmaid Dresses. Most are. Get used to the idea now. Hold an ugly bridesmaid dress barcrawl after. Prior to acceptance, though approach the bride (maybe with the other bridesmaids as well) about her flexibility in dresses and hopefully you'll all break the ugly bridesmaid dress curse.
- A million pre-wedding engagements. An engagement party (or parties), shower (or showers), bachelor/bachelorette party (which is my fav), rehearsal dinner. By the time you're done with it all you don't even feel like celebrating your birthday this year. Luckily I've been blessed with extremely low maintenance friends who've either never had most of these or if they were chained to a chair and forced to by friends and relatives didn't require me to be a part of them. And when it isn't a requirement it's much more fun. However, if it is a requirement weigh the value of your friendship against the cost of time and money. Hopefully the friend will win or maybe you should rethink being in the wedding.

For Those Who Hate to Dance: Suck it up! No one likes someone who won't have a dance party. Hah! For those who really would rather have the slimy creatures crawl all over you than bust a move you're usually not alone so chum up with the other non-dancers and enjoy some wine.

This is a short survival guide but again I remind you weddings are supposed to be fun and thus, you should already be having fun. How do you feel about weddings? What do you like or not like about them?