
Monday, August 9, 2010

No Internet

Having had a desk job for the last two and a half years I've discovered many ways to have fun on the internet from Youtube to Tetris to textsfromlastnight, etc., etc., etc. However, when I don't have it I don't miss it all that much. Since moving my two roommates and I decided to wait until September to get the internet since none of us will be home much in the month of August. Aside from needing some directions to find things in my new 'hood and of course writing my blog I'm just fine without it. 'Course I have friends who do have the internet so I can still check my email and facebook just to make sure I'm not missing out on life (I'm not). So instead of internetting I've been spending a lot of time surfing, at the beach in general, attempting to unpack (believe it or not it was fun yesterday to get things in order), spending time with friends, decorating and exploring parts of LA I haven't spent much time in. I know I'll have the internet back before I know it but for now I'm enjoying the fun things in life that don't require a modem.

Are you addicted to the internet or could you go without it? What are your fav non-internet activities? How about fav websites?